My Summer Internship is a Wrap!

July 21, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Well today is my last day to live in the state of Louisiana. Jesse and I have gotten our trucks packed down and we make our journey back to Oklahoma this afternoon. These few months have went by so fast! I am going to miss this place so much! The people here are so friendly and just thinking about all the food makes my mouth water! Most of all I'm going to miss my friend and mentor Brandi Smyth. I am so fortunate to be able to have such an experience to work with Brandi down here. I have learned so much and am so excited to apply all that I have learned into my own business. It just makes me that much more excited to graduate in December and finally put my full attention into my business as I get to go "full time" for the first time! Jesse and I have made so many great memories down here and I truly believe we grew so much as a couple. As much as we have loved it here there is no place like home. Over these past few month I have learned it's not where your at, it's who your with. Jesse and I couldn't be more ready to spend some time with our family and friends. Of course we will miss the nonexistent wind here and beautiful cypress trees but we know this is just one chapter in our lives and we plan to come back for a visit. If anything this has inspired us to travel MORE! I can see a lot more travels in our future but of course Oklahoma will always be our home. Please enjoy a few of my favorites from some weddings I shot with Brandi this summer. 






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