Another Night in The Lab

August 13, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Lately I have felt like this computer lab has become my second home. I have been editing my documentary which requires a bigger computer than my laptop to run the editing software. I have stayed almost every weekday in here from 9am to 9pm for the past few weeks. A couple days ago I decided it was time for a break and went with some of my classmates to the lake. My friend Victoria was recently cheated on by her fiance so we took our time at the lake to burn a few of her/his things. Along with Victoria we had a few more classmates with recent breakups that brought some stuff to burn as well. I went just for the support of leaving the past behind and looking towards a brighter future (plus there was smores). Other than that it has been just editing, editing, editing! Oh and we had vocal artist Eric Himan stop by the studio as well, so you can check that out below. Also I took a break this past weekend to spend some time with family and had a session with little Brennon. The weekend before I shot a wedding for the now Mr. and Mrs. Dorman, pictures will be on the blog soon. Well I better get back to that editing thing. I can't wait to share with you my documentary. It will be due next wednesday so be on the look out!

-Labrat Danielle


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